Thursday, 19 December 2013

December 2013 Edition

The Sister Namibia December 2013 magazine is out. It features entertainment and information. You will read 8 Christmas snippets, which tell of the highs and lows of 8 people. For some Christmas is a time of fun in the sun, while it is cooking from morning to evening and great loss for others. It shares the good news of the possibility of delivering an HIV negative baby. HIV is such a scary reality for many that they don't seek information on their condition and therefore do not know that they can still live very good lives - even deliver babies who are 100% healthy. The edition also provides contact information on organisations that provide assistance in cases of gender-based violence. You will find four pages on the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare's referral network system, which will guide you in terms of who to get help from and what to do in cases of sexual violations.

In addition to the aforementioned articles there is a poem and short story for either inspiration or entertainment. 

And lastly we feature the lives of three phenomenal people. Jakobine Rhom, Simone and Jonathan. Read their stories and be inspired to be brave, to care for others, and to be willing to choose the kind and quality of your own life.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Men Getting Involved

Children need us as fathers, don’t be an ATM father. Get involved!- Ngamane
Yo my man, Addressing your emotions is better than keeping quiet. So seek for advise before you act dangerously. We all are part of one big team called Namibia. So let’s make it violent free and achieve peace and dignity for all. Real men are not afraid to get help.- Alfred
Underneath my suit, I wear a super hero t-shirt, because I stand up for women and children. Don’t be afraid to get involved. You can save a life. Step-up and take responsibility. Let’s man up and break the silence.- Isaac

No one shall use any excuse to violate a woman or a child, not in my name. No one shall sexually objectify a woman or child, not in my name. Brothers, don’t allow them to hurt the vulnerable. Man-up and declare, not in my name.- Kaire 

These are only some of the messages that were used for the Public Service Announcements of this year's 16 Days of Activism Campaign. Gender issues are often misconstrued as a "women's issue" with men often feeling it's not their battle to fight. Namibia has a number of exemplary men who make wonderful role models, be it as fathers who are present in their children's lives and assist in all aspects, husbands and partners who are not emasculated by the idea of equality and generally just men of good upstanding who violence is not the "culture of real men" and do not shy away from speaking up! For this year's 16 Days Campaign, Misa Namibia, Sister Namibia, Victims2Survivors and Her Liberty Namiia join forces to have the voices of these men heard. Keep an ear (and eye) out for these messages on your local (Namibian)

radio stations, as well as on One Africa tv.