It’s been said that the only thing worse
than an injustice, is seeing an injustice and keeping quiet about it. In South Africa ,
for example, when people are unhappy about something (even if it’s wrongfully so)
they toyi toyi, they burn tires, they break windows… In some way, you will know
the nation is angry.
In Namibia ? If (because the truth is, I’m not sure
if my people could be bothered, about anything, at all) they have a problem
with something, they turn a blind eye. Probably thinking as long as it doesn’t
directly affect them, it is none of their business. I’ve always known this
about the Namibian nation, and it’s always annoyed me, but not as much as it
did a couple of weeks ago. There’s a character who fancies himself a “comedian”
and in his comedy he jokes about petty crime as well as beating up women. Naturally,
we felt it was our duty to speak up against it. In a bid to be objective and
give him a chance to give his side of the story, I attempted to have an
interview with this “comedian”, who calls himself ‘The Real Shebeleza’ and
below, I share how that went.
You have undeniable talent and creativity and there are
so many things you could get the material for your "comedy" from, why
did you choose this particular issue?
I chose to do my
comedy strictly kasie, because that's where it all began and so i decided to
keep it real and stick to what i know rather than talking about things that i
never experienced in life. i am one of those few people who look at life the
way i see it and the way it is, and not the way i want to see it or other
people want me to see it, and i think that is the reason why i touched so much
people because i tell people things the way they are, i don't add or subtract
to please some and live others behind, in the kasie we call it a "stryt
glamo" and it means, it is what it is and what be must be.
What do
you think sets you apart as a comedian?
I grew up in different places and met allot of
different people in my life, so i have learned different life styles and know
how different people behave, that gives me an advantage as a comedian because
it does not matter who you are, once i open my mouth you will always relate to
what i am talking about, but i think what makes me stand out the most is being
realistic and putting some action into the comedy world, i think the other
comedians are scared to push their material to its limits, because they are
scared of being looked at as people with dirty mouths but i will say what i
want to say cause in the end whether you swear or not, it will still continue,
go to khomasdal then you will see what i am talking about hahaha.
What influences you and what are the things that have had
an impact in your life?
Every day to day
issues influence me, apart from editing clips and making people laugh i also
have a life like every other person and some of the things that i say in my
clips are problems that i encounter in my life and my way of dealing with those
problems is putting them in my clips and making fun of it as if its just a
normal joke, it's my way of adaptation to my problems. secondly i grew up in a
very violent location and the things that i saw and done in the past also
influence me allot cause the past will always be with you no matter who you
become at the end of the day and unfortunately my past is full of violence and
struggling so i stick to what i know, i don't copy and paste.
what a big following you have, can you see how you could send out a different
message to the youth?
good one, i actually feel guilty for not
putting age restrictions on my clips cause every kid in the kasi want's to be
"shebeleza" the bad guy who talks what he wants. its cool if you want
to be shebeleza but there is one thing that you should bare in mind, there is
no way you can do what i do without education, shebeleza is just a character
but behind his voice is a very successful man in society, i finished school, i
went to university, i own a job, have my own car and a comfortable life. please
don't watch my clips if you are not 18 and older, focus on your books, this
things are only for adults you guys are still in that stage of confusion, so
just work hard in school and one day you will edit like me.
Why do you use a puppet in your clips?
I had to create a
character, because if shebeleza becomes a human in society nobody will even
want to sit at the same table with someone that talks like that. narrow minded
people have been telling me that i am spreading gender based violence and
disrespecting women, but they lack the ability to differentiate between fiction
and none fiction and it's because of people that think like that, that
entertainment in namibia is so pathetic, i mean 70% of my followers on fb are
women, so do you want to tell me that all those women are stupid and only one
knows that i am spreading violence against women? i don't think so . so don't
associate actors with the people that they are in real life, that's why i use a
puppet and not my own face, namibians, namibians we are in the 21st century now
please start aging hahahah.
Can you
think of at least 5 other things you could generate material for your comedy
politics, tribes,
alcohol and bars, drugs and narrow minded human beings, but in general i don't
just do shebeleza clips, i have a diversity of clips and some do not even swear
at all, so in the end people must not jump to conclusion if they have not
watched all of my clips and i always say "what you pick up in my clips and
do with it, is simply who you are".
Do you think it's possible in Namibia to be funny without being
offensive? Do you think we can make fun of politics in the same way South
African comedians,for example,do?
yes you can be funny
without being offensive, but i am not a follower and i am not any other
comedian, i have established my own style and i am going to keep it that way
unless if the majority over rules that i am offensive, otherwise i won't change
my style just cause there is a small group of people who feel like that no. if
you don't like it don't watch it in the first place cause u are not forced to
do so. there are pornographic movies but not all of us watch it cause some of
us enjoy it and some don't enjoy it, the same applies. so for those that want
to do comedy just get a style and keep it real like the real shebeleza (finish
en kla).
Is comedy a sort of outlet for you? Is it your way of
dealing with everyday life? yes, it helps me get stuff off my mind man,
for instance if i am angry at my girlfriend i will just switch on my computer
then i will talk bad about women who give their men problems rather then
fashion killing my girlfriend like all the other guys who can not edit clips to
take out their anger. so that's why the clips have so much fun it's cause it
comes from real life situations, just look at it from the positive angle and
you might just learn a few things in life.
Except for the
money and fame that you maybe getting, how do you think the Namibian nation
benefits from you being a public figure?
if you listen
carefully to my clips without the intention of only hearing the negative, you
will realize that i am also a teacher, i teach people things about life in a
funny way. that's why allot of them will always say "daai man praat net
die waarhied", it's just that for some the truth does not set them free so
i don't know what does, ja i am a bad teacher in a good way.
Do you
think the nature and content of your comedy is able to open doors for you to
bigger things and opportunities?
absolutely, i get
offers everyday, people want me to sign with them and stuff but i have decided
to hold back and wait for the right time to finance my comedy and throw my own
tour, i know the potential that i have and i am not a mineral, i will not allow
investors to exploit me i will rather put an electric fence with magnetic doors
around myself so people don,t exploit or pouch me and fill their stomachs with my
sweat. one man jaive, is either you pay me in advance or you jump on one side,
but ja i can go big with this and i am more than confident.
Can you understand why we (as NGOs) have an issue with
what you do?
the question is, what
do i do? and i do not see how i affect newly growing organisations. i think the
reason why you are still growing and not grown yet is because you guys are
always tackling problems where they are the least concentrated. if you want to
change lives of people you work hard and you go out there and do it, you do not
sit there and try and find someone to blame because of people's lives that are
not going well. i was born a long time ago and i found this world messed up
already, people where swearing, killing, robbing, beating each other way before
and till today, so for a person to tell me that i am creating problems in
society it is totally off course, where do you leave the mugabes, the obamas,
the pohambas, the corrupt officials. if you start there, you will solve your
issues, you can't pick on me iam still small for what i am being held
accountable for. many look up to me but i was never at that stage where i can
make decisions for other people either than my child, so everyone is the way
they chose to be, i do not choose for people. god must help those that does not
understand the way i deliver my information.
you know that the character portrayed by the puppet isn't a good one,so why
keep it? And we do see the positive in what you do, except seeing as your clips
do not come with an age restriction, it's very unlikely that a young boy will
look at your clip and think "wow, I wanna be a graphic editor just like
Shebeleza", they are most likely to think "Kasi life is about
violence and Shebeleza says it's cool to hit women." How do you
think this solves the "problems of the Kasi"? Also,the fact
that you have a lot of women followers does not make the message you're sending
out any less derogatory, maybe those women don't see the harm in what you are
doing, but we do... and that's why we've spoken out. We are not saying you are
spreading GBV, but that by trying to make it a laughable issue, you are
certainly condoning it. Do you think it's possible that your clips could convey
the "successful and educated Shebeleza" who made it in life despite
his circumstances, as opposed to Shebeleza the woman beater?
I do not admit anything about the puppet, the
puppet is an actor and if you don't know what actors do then i don't know how i
must explain it to you. stop wasting your time with me, you have much more
important things to look at like big brother stuff, the whole of africa watch
how people make fools of themselves by even sleeping together on national
television now you tell me why you do not try and stand up and stop that, if
you are so concerned about the effects that people can have on other people.
all i can promise you is that i will put age restrictions on the clips but
either than that i do not see any other thing that i have to change and please
watch the clips and give me facts.
not just the clips that are a problem Shebeleza, it's your facebook posts as
well, I will send examples. Also, you make a good point, there are bigger fish
to fry out there in terms of public influence, but we work in the communities,
we deal with the man on the street, and YOU have a direct influence on the man
on the street, which is why we are addressing you and artists of similar influence
I just posted (on Facebook) and asked all the people to tell
me if i offend them in any kind of way and if they wud prefer me to change my
material or keep it original, so if i don't get any complaints then this must
be something personal, so let me see how people about my work.
And that’s how I lost that battle, and it’s a loss I felt to
my core, too; because he did post on his facebook page asking if anyone is
offended in anyway by any of his material, and not a single person had a
problem with it. Hundreds of comments all saying how much they enjoy his stuff
and how he should keep being himself, and it went on and on and on. It’s in
that moment I realised that my battle shouldn’t even have been with Shebeleza
or his followers in the first place, but with everyone else. Is it because
there is no one who is bothered by his clips and posts? I can testify that they
are there, they just choose to not be vocal about it, maybe because they feel
it’s not their problem, or not their place to speak… In which case I honestly
don’t know whose place it is. The attitude of complacence and nonchalance among
the Namibian youth (especially) really frustrates me, because that means we are
breeding an entire generation of people who cannot be bothered by what’s happening
in the society around them, as long as it doesn’t affect them personally. And what that means, is that the only voices we continue to hear are those that think there is nothing wrong with laughing about rape, theft, domestic violence, street harassment and gender-based violence!
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