Having officially joined the blogging community, we today are reminiscing about why – in a country like Namibia, which claims to constitutionally uphold the equality of all its citizens - the feminist cause is so urgently needed.
While in some regions of the world, people are already talking about post- and/or second or third wave feminism, I sometimes have the distinct impression that we, in Namibia, are still living in a pre-feminist society. Let me explain: Not very long ago I went to a meeting where there were quite a number of women. While I will not divulge the nature of the meeting, I need to explain that many of the women present that day stated that they no longer “can produce for a man,” therefore they are “worthless.”
What this means is that they no longer can become pregnant. All of these women perceived their inability to have another child (for they all already have children) to be a loss of intrinsic value. Some of them questioned their very being and thought they have been “robbed” of an opportunity to be in a relationship with a man.
We now are sitting with a phenomenon where – because a woman is only worth anything if she is with a man and had his child - it is fairly common for infants to be abandoned once the sperm donor has left the equation. We then jump onto our moralistic high horses and shout blue murder at the corruption of women who do these “ acts.”
In a society where a women is valued for who she is intrinsically – as opposed to with whom she is in a relationship with, or whose child she brought into this world, some of these problems may be averted. It is high time that we see ourselves as persons with intrinsic – an own – value. Could this be a good enough reason for promoting feminism in Namibia?
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